"नेपालको समृद्धिको सहयात्री"

Citizen Investment Trust

Citizen Unit Scheme

CIT is providing buyback facilities at its own premises to facilitate for liquidity of the units.

Securities Board of Nepal regulates the Unit Trust Scheme.

CIT operates this scheme under the investment trust concept. A separate trust committee has been formed to look after the policy matters and operational aspects, which consists expert representation also from outside the organization.

In addition CIT is operating its piloting product (Citizen Unit Scheme) from South Korea on 23-25 December 2017 with support of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD,www.ifad.org) . On 12 April 2017, for this venture CIT hired Sunrise Bank Ltd as an agent for remitting collection money of unit holders from South korea to Nepal. However, CIT aims to collect fund in foreign currency, therefore, CIT send proposal to central bank of Nepal for approval of conducting foreign curreny account in foreign banks.

In accordance with the project mandated by Ministry of Finance(GON) ,CIT has made its saving and investment product by receiving feedback from Product Development Workshop on 11-12 November 2016 with technical consulting supported by ACCESS Advisory ( a consulting firm that has been supporting financial inclusion and remittance building initiatives through technical service assistance to financial service providers being hired by IFAD ). This is the first stepping stone for CIT for collecting fund from Diaspora Nepali citizen.


For more details, Please download the following link.

Citizen Unit Scheme Operational Procedure 2080